It’s a long race.
Growth matters. But healthy growth matters more. We invest in marketplaces and network effect companies with defensibility and long term vision. So our portfolio can live like a sea turtle: long.
Focus on Defensibility and Longevity
The fact is turtles and tortoises are some of the longest living animals on Earth, with one recorded tortoise living to 256 years old.
The goal of startups should be to survive, thrive, and make a difference long term - much longer than the 18 month financing cycle.
The companies that understand the compounding effects of efficiency and the defensibility of network effects are the ones that will thrive forever.
Growth matters, but healthy growth matters even more.
PS — Sea turtles can swim 22 mph. Michael Phelps can swim 6 mph.
A Group of Turtles is Called a Bale
Tell Me About You and Your Startup
I’d love to chat. There’s nothing I love more than talking about marketplaces.